Home Authors Posts by Iffat Kawsar, DVM, MS

Iffat Kawsar, DVM, MS

Iffat Kawsar, DVM, MS
I am a veterinary postgraduate from a reputed Agricultural University in Bangladesh. I have more than 700 articles and publications on veterinary subjects. I am an animal lover and want to share my knowledge on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and farm animals. I am also experienced with thesis writing, book reviews, content writing, and research paper optimization. I am doing PhD at Bangladesh Agricultural University and an Research Officer at the Ministry of Education of the Government of Bangladesh. I feel free to share my experience and views with you. You can send your comments and write up to my email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Dog Breeds Prone to Health Issues

15 Best Dog Breeds of the World You Should Know

Determining the "best" dog breeds depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and needs. However, some breeds are widely loved for their temperament, intelligence, and adaptability. Here are some of the most popular and highly regarded...
Winter Care of Dog

10 Ways to Keep Dogs Warm in Winter: A Guideline for Owner

Winter is knocking at the dog. When the winter is inevitable, you must make the necessary preparations and precautions to keep your dogs warm. If your dogs are habituated to staying outdoors most of...
Most Popular Race Horse Breeds

100 Racehorse Names: You Can Select For Your Lovely Horse

When you buy or bring a new racehorse, you must give it a suitable name. Finding the best racehorse names is a challenging task. But don’t worry—I have accumulated more than 100 names for...
Horse Agility Training

Horse Agility: An Equestrian Sport Full of Pleasure and Excitement

Horse agility, also known as Equine agility, is a sport or training method similar to dog agility tests. In this training, horses are guided by a handler or rider to navigate obstacles. Initially, horses...
Savannah Cat

10 Duties of A Responsible Cat Owner At Home

Cats are adorable and precious pet animals. They have a perfect relationship and companionship with their owners. As a responsible cat owner, you must follow some rules and habits. Cats need regular care, monitoring,...
Preparation for Horse Riding

10 Best Helpful Tips on Safe Horse Riding for the Beginner

Horse riding is one of the best physical exercises. It enhances both physical and mental development. Riding a horse requires skilful training, protective gear, and a relationship with the horse. Safe horse riding is...
Everything You Need To Know About Dog Grooming: The Ultimate Guide

12 Best Tips on Keeping Dog Cool During Hot Summer

Dogs are very precious animals. Their skin does not have sweat glands. Panting respiration and tongue sweating reduce the dog’s excessive heat. A minor amount of sweat passes through the pads. Keeping dogs cool...
Inspection of Cat Ear Mites

Ear Infection in Cats: Types, Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment

An ear infection in cats is an ear canal inflammation caused by various factors, including bacteria, yeast, ear mites, or allergies. It can affect one or both ears and occur in different parts of...
Horse at Stable

Horse Box Rest: Everything Need To Know As Owner

Horse box rest refers to the practice of keeping a horse in a horsebox (a type of transport vehicle or stall) for an extended period to allow the animal to rest and recover, typically...
Dog Skin

15 Most Common Dog Skin Diseases You Should Know

Dog skin diseases encompass a broad range of conditions that can affect a dog’s skin, coat, and overall health. Infections, parasites, allergies, autoimmune disorders, and other underlying health issues can cause these diseases. Below...